Flower Shopper

Welcome to Flower Shopper – Where Fairytales Blossom!
Step into a fairytale world with Flower Shopper, a charming girl game that lets you become a cute fairy running her very own flower shop. Your enchanted shop is bustling with customers from various fairytales, including princesses, little red riding hoods, maidens, and princes, all seeking your beautiful floral arrangements. With 10 levels of floral fun and challenges, your mission is to keep the customers happy, sell exquisite plants in pots and vases, and rise up the leaderboards by submitting your scores. Are you ready to bloom in this enchanting world of flowers?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q1: How do I play Flower Shopper?
A1: Playing Flower Shopper is an enchanting experience! To serve your customers, select them before their patience bubble turns completely gray. Once you see their flower choice, head to the shelf where it’s located, and select the specific flower they desire. If an item is sold out, you’ll need to order it, which takes time. To save time, you can order ahead of customers. After obtaining the item, click on the customer to give it to them before their bubble turns gray. Don’t forget to click on the coins they leave behind to collect your money. You must earn enough coins within the time limit to advance to the next level.
Q2: What challenges can I expect in Flower Shopper?
A2: Flower Shopper offers 10 levels, each introducing new challenges. As you progress, you’ll face more customers with different flower preferences, and the pace will quicken. You’ll need to manage your time efficiently, ensuring you serve customers promptly to keep them happy and earn coins. The challenges will test your time-management skills as you strive to reach higher levels of floral expertise.
Q3: Can I compete on leaderboards in Flower Shopper?
A3: Absolutely! Flower Shopper provides the opportunity to submit your scores and compete on leaderboards. With each play, aim to improve your performance and rise to the top of the rankings. Challenge yourself to become the most successful and efficient fairy florist in the magical world of Flower Shopper!

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